Monday, March 14, 2005

mass extinctions

Recently there have been programmes about supervolcanoes - Yellowstone, in particular - about to erupt and articles about cyclical mass extinctions. Some scientists think that mass extinctions occur every 60 to 70 million years and, of course, the last mass extinction happened 64-65 million years ago with the dinosaurs, so the idea is that we are due one soon.

It brings to focus the earlier idea (whales) that were such a mass extinction to occur then maybe some species other than man will end up as the dominant life on the planet. The sea being the vast place it is, and possibly being a safer environment than land, may be home to such a life form.

Our presumption is that we are the pinnacle of evolution and that the universe is all about climaxing with an agressive, selfish tool-user. Perhaps we are a blip or sideways turn on evolutions pathways.


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