Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Martin Plymouth
I like the Devonians sense of humour, I remember running for the air-raid shelter in 1941 and my mother saying she had to go back she forgotten her teeth, my dad said keep running they are dropping bombs not sandwiches. All this in the middle of a terrifying air raid, we all laughed

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

portrait painting

Portrait painting seems more demanding than any other form of painting. Say, you paint an apple. It's possible to paint a very good apple and everyone will acknowledge what a good painting of an apple it is. No-one is likely to say but it doesn't actually look like the apple on the table. But a portrait has to look exactly like the person posing for you.

When it comes to my portraiture, I'm a health and safety painter. I paint within the comfort zone, desperately trying to make no mistakes, so my paintings don't capture a likeness. Only a likeness of a human being. I'm a good apple painter, though.