There have been a lot of articles worrying about google and how the company, whose motto was "Do no evil" seems to be doing much evil. The main concerns are about how google mines information about everyone that uses it's services, which is basically everyone that accesses the internet. Apparently, every search made using google extracts, through cookies, information about the search and the searcher's computer's ISP.
Given that google freely offers Blogger, Google news, Gmail and other services, it is in a very advantageous position to glean personal information about billions of people. The innocent arguement (sic!) is that this enables google to offer "targeted" adverts and services to clients, based on their preferences when using the 'net. The more sinister and realistic scenario is that, like in the Truman Show or with North Koreann brainwashing, a filtered, distorted version of reality is forced upon the public. This enables a manipulation of the truth of what actually is happening in the world.
When watching the TV news, I don't much take an interest in every item, but I wouldn't want a situation arise where news presenters were to presume what my interests were and only show those.
BIG BROTHER is upon us. And for what reason?